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Hooks & Sickles

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( Item 4100) Elwell 3520 Furze hook - new handle Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £100
( Item 4129) Gilpin hop hook  Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £sold
( Item 4189) BNT Lavender hook  Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £45
( Item 4072) Sickle sickle  Original Handle Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £65
( Item 3972)Unknown maker, but ?Skinner and Johnson - Original Handle Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £50reserved
( Item 3962)Skinner and Johnson hook  -0riginal Handle  Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £55
( Item 3971)Skinner and Johnson willow hook  -0riginal Handle  Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £sold  Catalogue image
( Item 3247) Harrison Hook with original label Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £65
( Item 3967) Staniforth Severquick hook with original label Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £65
( Item 2519) Finch Bros hook (?Browse, Furse Hook) Condition:  good   Delivery:4  Price: £110
Item 3374  Brades hand slash - Original handle    Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 3375   William swift Hand slash - original handle   Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
( Item 4162) Brades Bean hook. Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £sold
Item 2013  Brades Beet hook  Delivery:  4  Price: £30
Item 2014 Harrison Beet hook  Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 2015  Elwell Beet hook  Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 3881   Beet hook  Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 3064  Elwell Beet hook - like new all original  Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 3576 Harrison Beet hook -  Delivery:  4  Price: £50
Item 686  Beet hook  Delivery:  4  Price: £25
Item 1067  Elwell beet Hook Delivery:  4   Price: £30
Item 1082  Beet hook Delivery:  4   Price: £sold
Item 1217  Barnsley beet hook Delivery:  4   Price: £sold
Item 828  Skelton beet hook  Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 827  Severquick  Delivery:  4  Price: £sold
Item 1095  Skelton beet hook Delivery:  4   Price: £sold
Item 1085  Parkes Beet hook Delivery:  4   Price: £sold
Item 815  Beet hook Delivery:  4  Price: £Sold

Item 2960  Harrison Beet hook with original label Condition:  Good+  Delivery:  4  Price: £60

Item 2033  Elwell 3999 Beet hook Condition:  Good Delivery:  4   Price: £sold

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