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Gardening Tools 2

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Item 3705  Drew & Co Potato fork   Delivery:5  Price: £ sold
Item 3865  Skelton Bulb planter   Delivery:5  Price: £ 130

Item 3705  Skelton Lawn edger with original label  Delivery:5  Price: £ sold

Item 4232 Stokers shovel (unnamed)  Delivery:6  Price: £125
Item 4231 Elwell spade   Delivery:6  Price: £50
Item 4229 Yardley and co Clay fork  Delivery:6  Price: £95
Item 4230 Elwell no1 Spade  Delivery:6  Price: £sold


Item 3635 Skelton bakers peel - rare Delivery: POA  Price: £125

Item 3787 Bulldog hand fork Condition:  Good Delivery: 5 Price: £sold
Item 3786 Bulldog spade  Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £45
Item 3788 Hand fork Condition:  Good Delivery:6  Price: £sold                                     
Item 3147 Bulldog spade Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £45 
Item 3148 Neverbend manure fork Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3149 Neverbend manure fork Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3150 Cherry tree Fork Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold  
Item 3151 Skelton spade Condition:  Good Delivery: Price: £sold
Item 3152 Round mouth spade Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 4040 S&J Spade  Delivery:5  Price: £ 45
Item 4030  Brades lawn edger  Delivery:4  Price: £ 35
shipping can be expensive for long items, happy to quote, but collection/drop off may be better


Item 3804 Clay Spade Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3785 Spearwell Spade Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3801 Bulldog narrow shovel (new handle) Condition:  Good Delivery: Price: £50
Item 3401 Elwell edger Condition:  Good Delivery: 4  Price: £45
Item 3320 Trowel set x 3 Condition:  Good Delivery: 4  Price: £45
Item 3323 Hand fork Condition:  Good Delivery:3  Price: £20
Item 3324 Parkes lawn edger with label Condition:  Good Delivery: Price: £40
Item 3325 Parkes Fork with label Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3326 Parkes spade with part label Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3327 Elwell spade Condition:  Good Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 3340 Brades hoe Condition:  Good Delivery: POA  Price: £50
Item 3341 S&J long handles manure fork Condition:  Good Delivery: POA  Price: £sold
(Item 3042) S&J Shovel -as new Delivery: Price: £sold
(Item 3043) S&J Spade - as new Delivery:4  Price: £45
(Item 3984) Elwell Motorist shovel only 31"

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £sold

(Item 3462) ?Stokers / Firing Shovel

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £60


(Item 2677) Ash and sons stokers shovel

crack to handle

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £70

 Item 3806 Rare Brades Coal shovel with part of original paper label

Condition:  Good Delivery: 4  Price: £245

(Item 4147) Potato Fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £50

(Item 4207) Bulldog spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £45


(Item 4150) Bulldog Garden Fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £45


(Item 4207) Garden fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £45


(Item 3638) Elwell Garden Fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £45


(Item 3428) Skelton Lawn Edger

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £sold


(Item 3595) Brades Shovel

Condition:  Good+  Delivery: 5  Price: £65

(Item 3524) A.Wills, made by Elwell

Condition:  Good+  Delivery: 5  Price: £65

(Item 3523) Brades Shovel

Condition:  Good+  Delivery: 5  Price: £sold



(Item 4148) Spearwell  Spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £55


(Item 3403) Elwell spade with original label - some worm to handle

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £75

(Item 4199) Spear and Jackson Spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £50


(Item 4198) Bulldog trench spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £45


(Item 3731) Elwell  shovel with original label

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £95


(Item 3636) "English Tools"  Spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


(Item 3731) Large shovel

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £45


(Item 3634) Bulldog spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £60



(Item 3456) Brades fork with original decal - rare

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £75


(Item 3459) Skelton Potato fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £60


(Item 3460) Parks Potato fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


(Item 3555) Beet fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £65


(Item 2756) Burgess and ball shovel

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £20


(Item 4011) Bulldog metal fork

Condition:  Good+  Delivery: 5  Price: £sold

(Item 4010) Elwell Claybreaker Spade

Condition:  Good+  Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


(Item 2784) Bulldog bulb planter

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £sold


(Item 2771) Brades lawn edger

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £35



(Item 3525) Long handled spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6 Price: £sold

(Item 3527) Wooden peat spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: Price: £95

(Item 3530) S&J Spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: Price: £sold


(Item 2782) Griffin Drainage spade Condition:  Good  Delivery: 7  Price: £85
(Item 3556) Long handled post hole spade Condition:  Good  Delivery: 7  Price: £sold
(Item 2566) Hodding shovel / spade

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 4  Price: £65


(Item 2883) Lawn edger

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £45 

(Item 3732) Klein Pruning saw and sheath

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £25 


(Item 3558) Coal shovel

Condition:  Good+  Delivery: 4 Price: £45 


(Item 2794)  Silage Knife

Condition:  Good  Delivery: POA  Price: £40

(Item 2795) Large Hay Knife

Condition:  Good  Delivery: POA  Price: £60


Item 637 Hay/eaves Knife  Delivery:5  Price: £sold
Item 642 Corkscrew grubber  Delivery:4  Price: £75
Item 925 Lawn Edger Delivery:6  Price: £sold
Item 967 Hay/eaves Knife  Delivery:65  Price: £Sold
Item 1022 Hole borer  Delivery:6  Price: £45
Item 1046 Potato/Beet scoop  Delivery:6  Price: £sold
  See below
(Item 3637) Skelton Garden Hoe  Delivery:POA Price: £35
(Item 2145) Wolf hoe

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £20

(Item 1849) Spear and Jackson turfing Iron 

Price: £55      Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  



(Item 3599 ) Elwell turfing Iron (new handle)

Price: £60  Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  


( Item 3671) Short handled shovel dated 1952

Condition:  good   Delivery: 5

 Price: £75


(Item 3705) Drew &co Potato fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £sold

(Item 3706) BNT (Brades Nash Tyzack) fork

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £45 


( Item 2878) Pruning cane/stick - rare
Made by "Underwood" 56 Haymarket, London   Marked VR with crown (Victorian)
Condition:  good   Delivery: 4  Price: £250
(Item 3901) Named  Mistletoe cutter

Unable to read name.  *****OWNINGS (?Brownings)

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £200


(Item 4105) Mistletoe cutter

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £80


(Item 3901) Named "S" shaped Mistletoe cutter

Unable to read name.

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £245


(Item 4081) Rare Marples Mistletoe cutter (head only

Condition:  Good  Delivery: 6  Price: £sold


Mistletoe / Cocoa cutter  3574 on reverse (Item 1883)
(possibly Elwell Elwell Ltd in a circle)
Condition:  Good  Delivery:7  Price: £95
Long handled pruner/ cutter with adjustable head (Item 3617)  Condition:  Good  Delivery:7  Price: £220
Item 3874 Gilpin cutter 978C
Condition:  Good
Price: £110
Brades Mistletoe cutter (head)  
Very Rare item  
Condition:  Good  Delivery:7  Price: £185  

Terrex auto spade spring



£30 each with free shipping (sold out)


                               365                        366  sold                367 Sold                         368sold                      364 Sold
Chillington / Crocodile long pronged forks 3/4 prong - unusual     (Item 364)
Still have parts of the original label intact,  Prongs measure 16" long! probably never used
(shown with a normal sized fork on the left)
Condition: Good+   Delivery: POA  Price: £30 each

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