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(Item 4166)  Gilpin axe No2. total weight about 6.5lbs  
Original handle - head 13"
Condition:  Good  Delivery: 5  Price: £sold
Item 1-  2.5lb  Whitehouse  £sold
Item 2-  4lb Brades  £sold
Item 3-  3lb   Whitehouse  £sold
Item 4-  lb  Skinner  £ sold
Item 5-  2.5lb  Whitehouse  £sold
Item 6-  2.5lb  Whitehouse  £sold
Item 7-  4lb  Whitehouse  £sold
Item 8-  4lb  Whitehouse  £70 Partial side axe
Item 9-    Just under 5lbs Brades  £sold
Item 10-  6lb  Whitehouse  £sold
Item 11-  6lb  Elwell  £sold
Item 12-  7lb  Elwell  £sold
Item 13-  6lb  Elwell  £sold
 Postage on all of the above Delivery: 4
( Item 4217) Elwell 3.5lb axe  Condition:  Fine   Delivery: 4  Price: £55
Old new stock 2 available
Round Eye

( Item 4078) 7lb Brades axe head Condition:  Good   Delivery: 4 Price: £130

(Item 4235)  4lb Elwell Topping axe   

Condition:  good+  Delivery: 5  Price: £160

( Item 3377)  4lb Spearwell axe - replacement handle  Condition:  Good   Delivery: 6  Price: £55
( Item 3154)  Spearwell 5lb axe +sheath

some gnawing to end of handle

 Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £145


( Item 4143a)  Elwell 4.5lb axe

 Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £100


( Item 3086)  Elwell 6lb axe

small damage to handle on rear

 Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £140


( Item 3054)  Whitehouse Miners axe

Condition:  Good+   Delivery: 5  Price: £140


( Item 1711)  Whitehouse Miners axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £70

( Item 1131)  6lb Whitehouse axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £175

( Item 2293)  Whitehouse Miners axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £75


( Item 2229)  6lb Whitehouse  axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £180


( Item 2146 )  6lb Whitehouse axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £120

( Item 1538)  Whitehouse 5.5lb axe

some pitting to blade

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £120


( Item 3440)   Whitehouse Right handed Bearded side axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £550


( Item 3886)    Gilpin Right handed Bearded side axe

total weigh 3.9lbs, so head around 3-3.5lbs

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £450

( Item 3659)   4lb Marples Right handed Bearded side axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


( Item 4008)    Gilpin Right handed Bearded side axe (approx 3lb head)

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £400


( Item 4107)   Gilpin Right handed Bearded side axe


Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price:  £500


( Item 4128) 4lb Gilpin Bearded side axe

Condition:  Good+   Delivery: 4 Price: £450

( Item 4079)   Harrison Right handed Bearded side axe

with new leather sheath

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price:  £sold


( Item 3871)   Sorby Right handed side axe 3-3.5lbs

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


 Gilpin 4lb axe, original handle

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


( Item 3679)  Whitehouse 3.5lb axe, new handle

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


( Item 3686)  Skinner and Johnson ?No3

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £65



( Item 2192)   5lb Whitehouse Topping axe (replacement handle)

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £sold


( Item 3611)   Harrison no5 axe

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £135


( Item 3463)   5lb osers limited axe (replacement handle)

Condition:  Good   Delivery: 5  Price: £110


( Item 3349) Bush axe  Condition:  good   Delivery: 6 Price: £95

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